Last week, Little Miss 1 and I joined our local library. It’s a small library with a decent sized children’s book area, and it even loans toys.
Our first visit picks include Noni the Pony, Where’s Boo?, Caveman ABC Story, Night Night, ‘Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat’ and the Tiny Touch Tablet toy.
Noni the Pony by Alison Lester is our (my) favourite by far and I’m certainly putting it on my wish list to own. It’s a gorgeous little story about Noni the Pony who has many qualities which would undoubtably win the hearts of children and adults everywhere. It also rhymes beautifully… I could almost sing it (I might have sang it). I’m also totally in love with Alison Lester’s illustration work, I’ll be investigating more of her work and it will be inspiring my own illustration.
Being that I’m very excited about Children’s Books at the moment, I’ve decided that I’ll use this blog to review books and take notes on the illustration in them etc. Although this is really for my own research and recording purposes, I hope it a a helpful resources for others out there.